It’s Me !

Music for me is a very big affects my daily. Since I was in my mother’s womb until I was in the seventh grade at Junior High School, I was introduced to music by my daddy, mostly classical and jazz music. And it seems the desire to play music since I was not able to walk. I became interested in the stringed musical instrument, originally when I know my daddy is often played ukulele while singing.

First time I know music

Fakhri 8 months

When I’m 2.5 years old, I got to know the stage for the first time following the Children’s Song Festival to commemorate Kartini Day held in SD Tadika Puri Pondok Petir Renijaya and Alhamdulillah (thank God) I won the first winner of playgroup level. There were Festival events and there are some other Children Song Festivals that I followed during kindergarten class-A, among which is the Festival of Children’s Songs TK Area Jabotabek at Gelanggang Samudera Ancol, I won the second.

After some time following the Children’s Song Festival, arise the desire to learn a musical instrument. Guitar is a musical instrument that was first taught by my daddy when I was sitting in class one SDIT Az-Zahra. But because I was a child and his guitar is a standard classical guitar so the guitar is still too big for my size then. When I got to class 2 SD, there are some friends from school are private violin lessons. I feel maybe this is a suitable instrument for me because it is small and seems easy to play. But I had not had a violin, then on the weekends when I was invited Papa and Mama bought the violin in one of the musical instrument shops in Pondok Indah. For my age, a suitable violin is a ¾ size.

I began attending private lessons in June 2008, and in July of that year I appeared for the first time on the show Heroes XLent held at Ancol Beach Festival.

The interesting thing for me to play this violin is a small stringed instrument shaped, easily grasped by the hand size and therefore easy to play. The factor is probably easier to play the violin because my great-grandfather was a violinist as well. Besides the violin sound is very touching, so at almost every end of my performance there is the only appearance in the audience who came backstage and they were crying and touched by the sound of my violin.

I own every day practicing violin, and violin lessons in addition to the schedule once a week when the school day I was practicing the violin alone at night after studying for 60 minutes starting at 20:30 until 21:30. But if the holiday my practicing time is longer, than 08:00 to 12:00, usually trained to read music sheets, practice accuracy and speed of the finger, practicing classical, pop, and religious songs.

I get a scholarship to study at Jubilee Junior High School Sunter because of my achievement in violin.

Figures that I idolize my violin instructor Maestro Idris Sardi from Indonesia, a violinist from Netherland named Andre Rieu, Stephane Grappelli Maestro Jazz Violinist from France, Jazz Violinist Jean Luc Ponti of Italy, Tim Kliphuis Gypsy Jazz Violinist from Utrecht (Dutch), I also idolized U.S. President Barack Obama. Andre Rieu and Idris Sardi are two violin maestros who can travel the world in concert magnitude. Someday when I grow up I want to be a violin maestro like Andre Rieu and Idris Sardi in order to travel the world with my violin. While Barack Obama is a man who had lived and attended school in Indonesia as well as the persistent struggle in defense of equality between blacks and whites.

I have a unique hobby also know, in addition to playing violin, I also like playing other instruments like piano, and drums and studied music programming to create a musical accompaniment. Photography, playing PSP, chat, Facebook, reading Japanese comics, manga drawing, traveling, futsal and cycling are also my favorite. I’m a fan of noodles and do not like horror movies.

The motto of my life is “KEEP ON LEARNING TO BE THE BEST”.

Facebook : Fakhri Bagus Pratama
Facebook Page : Fakhri Violin
Twitter : @fakhriviolin
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